
March 1, 2025
Holi ke Rasia
Holi ke Rasia

VPSS -  Holi ke Rasiya 
Saturday, March 1, 2025 
From 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm 
Followed by Priti Bhojan

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Vallabh Priti Seva Samaj


Grand Success of Recent    Festivities at VPSS 

        Jay Shri Krishna!!! 

Over the past few months, we celebrated several vibrant and meaningful festivals together, including Garba, Diwali, the Diwali Dinner, New Year, Govardhan Puja, and Annakut. Each event was unique, creative, and highly successful, thanks to the hard work and dedication of our entire Vaishnav Community. 

A heartfelt thank you to our Mukhyajee and his team, the enthusiastic and committed volunteers across Sajavat, the Kitchen, Office, Support teams, as well as all the donors, Manorathi, and Vaishnavs who made these celebrations truly memorable.

With such enthusiasm and devotion, VPSS is excited to bring even more value and joy to our temple celebrations in the future.

Stay tuned! Some beautiful memories from these events will be posted in the “Picture Gallery” in the coming week.

Jay Shri Krishna!


To provide modern physical facilities for worship, a variety of social, charitable and educational activities, and retirement

To inspire in all persons love for Shri Nathji, passion for righteousness, and consciousness of one’s duty to God and fellow human beings

To inspire one and all towards a better way of life through humanitarian values of service, discipline, love, tolerance, and harmony

To develop constructive and creative youth and children’s activities to mobilize their energy and to promote education and volunteerism

To sustain the roots of Indian culture and all the good that it stands for.